Rosie DiManno is a Canadian journalist who began her career as a sportswriter in 1975. DiManno has been a columnist with the Toronto Star since 1989. Though she continues to write material for the Star sports section, including game coverage of Toronto Blue Jays baseball and Toronto Maple Leafs hockey, her column is much more wide ranging, generally offering opinion and commentary on current local, national, or international news stories. Since DiManno provides coverage of both sports and current affairs, it is not unusual for DiManno to generate a few thousand words of material for the Star daily. DiManno is author of several books, including Glory Jays: Canada’s World Series Champions, a 1993 book about The Toronto Blue Jays’ World Series-winning season, Rosie and the Leafs, a 2000 book about the Toronto Maple Leafs, and Coach: The Pat Burns Story, a biography of National Hockey League Coach Pat Burns. Photo courtesy Toronto Star.